segunda-feira, 22 de abril de 2013

Nanotechnology revolution: An interview with Eric Drexler

In anticipation of Eric Drexler’s new book, Forbes contributor Bruce Dorminey interviewshim about the meaning of nanotechnology and its revolutionary prospects. Selected excerpt:

In what fields would APM cause the most pronounced economic disruption and the collapse of global supply chains to more local chains?
The digital revolution had far-reaching effects on information industries. APM-based production promises to have similarly far-reaching effects, but transposed into the world of physical products. In thinking about implications for international trade and economic organization, three aspects should be kept in mind: a shift from scarce to common raw materials, a shift from long supply chains to more direct paths from raw materials to finished products, and a shift toward flexible, localized manufacturing based on production systems with capabilities that are comparable on-demand printing. This is enough to at least suggest the scope of the changes to expect from a mature form of APM-based production — which again is a clear prospect but emphatically not around the corner.
-Posted by Stephanie C