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sábado, 5 de maio de 2012

Micro and Nanotechnology in Formation and Control of Harsh Environments

Nanotechnology has been eugenic in unveiling astounding scientific information at the molecular level, which is being translated for making miraculous technological innovations by industries. It has high potential of applications in the pulp and paper manufacturing processes. The process mechanisms and reaction kinetics involved in paper manufacturing can be explained in terms of micro and nano technology. This paper is intended to take forward the micro and technologies to the operational areas and to enhance recycling of water and fibre amidst harsh environments. A mechanism for the commencement of corrosion through a nano phenomenon has been delineated here. Solutions to harsh environments with recourse to chemical and biochemical routes, have been explained to be accomplished following to nano concepts.

Increasing recycling of water and using recycled fibre augment enormously the level of contaminants, corrosion and other secondary problems (1,2). The term, "Harsh environments" has been assigned to all these secondary problems here (1), which include, abrasion, corrosion, fouling, scaling, pitch, stickies, DCS (Dissolved and colloidal substances), NPE (Non-process elements), harsh chemicals and other relevant phenomena as well as substances.

Micro and Nanotechnology in Formation and Control of Harsh Environments

Bangkok, Thailand | Posted on April 30th, 2012
Ref: Book- 1) Operations and Recycling in Paper Mills with Micro and Nano Concepts, Publ. by Industrypaper,

2) Micro and Nanotechnology in Paper Manufacturing, Publ. Industrypaper,

Paper presented by Dr. M. Patel in New Applied Technologies Conference, Asian Paper 2012, held at Bangkok from 25th-27th April 2012
For more information, please click here

Dr. Mahendra Patel
Indian Agro and Recycled Paper Mills Association
New Delhi, India

Copyright © Dr. Mahendra Patel