Nanotecnologia aplicada aos alimentos e biocombustíveis: interações sociotécnicas e impactos sociais | Risk analysis and regulatory frameworks for nanotechnology applied to food and biofuels, new socio-technical interactions and impacts on social life
Tania Elias Magno da Silva, Adriano Premebida, Diego Calazans
Resumo A presente comunicação tem por base os resultados preliminares da discussão no campo da sociologia feitas para a pesquisa “Nanotecnologias aplicadas aos alimentos e aos biocombustíveis: reconhecendo os elementos essenciais para o desenvolvimento de indicadores de riscos e de marcos regulatórios que resguardem a saúde e o meio ambiente” (Edital o4/CII – 2008 – Nanobiotecnologia - CAPES). Parte-se da premissa de que ao analisar as diferentes dimensões da vida social afetadas pelas nanotecnologias, é preciso refletir sobre os novos valores sociais que decorrem deste avanço tecnológico e das inúmeras possibilidades que são apresentadas à sociedade como decorrentes desta chamada “nova revolução” científica. Os desafios no campo das ciências sociais, em especial no campo da sociologia da ciência e tecnologia, aumentarão proporcionalmente na medida em que conhecimentos científicos e tecnológicos de áreas de fronteira aceleram sua entrada no mundo da vida através de inovações tecnológicas e organizacionais. As novas configurações sociais decorrentes de um mundo em mudança constante, marcado pela liquidez, como afirma Bauman (2001), são cada vez mais prementes. Este processo tem efeitos sobre as estruturas psicossociais dos indivíduos, pressionando a capacidade explicativa das teorias e ferramentas conceituais tradicionais das ciências sociais.
Palavras chave Sociologia, nanotecnologia, Ciências Sociais, transumanismo
Abstract This communication is based on the preliminary results of the discussion in the field of Sociology made to the survey "Nanotechnologies applied to food and biofuels, recognizing the essential elements for the development of risk indicators and regulatory frameworks that protect health and the environment" (Edital o4/CII – 2008 – Nanobiotecnologia - CAPES). It starts with the premise that when analyzing the different dimensions of social life affected by nanotechnology, we must think about the new social values stemming from this technological advance and the numerous possibilities that are presented to society as a consequence of this "new scientific revolution". The challenges in the social sciences, especially in the field of sociology of science and technology, will increase proportionally to the extent that scientific and technological frontier areas accelerate their entry into the world of life through technological and organizational innovations. The new social settings due to a constantly changing world, marked by liquidity, as stated by Bauman (2001), are becoming increasingly prominent. This process has effects on the psychosocial structures of individuals, pressing the explanatory power of traditional theories and conceptual tools of social science.
Keywords Sociology, nanotechnology, Social Science, transhumanism
Palavras chave Sociologia, nanotecnologia, Ciências Sociais, transumanismo
Abstract This communication is based on the preliminary results of the discussion in the field of Sociology made to the survey "Nanotechnologies applied to food and biofuels, recognizing the essential elements for the development of risk indicators and regulatory frameworks that protect health and the environment" (Edital o4/CII – 2008 – Nanobiotecnologia - CAPES). It starts with the premise that when analyzing the different dimensions of social life affected by nanotechnology, we must think about the new social values stemming from this technological advance and the numerous possibilities that are presented to society as a consequence of this "new scientific revolution". The challenges in the social sciences, especially in the field of sociology of science and technology, will increase proportionally to the extent that scientific and technological frontier areas accelerate their entry into the world of life through technological and organizational innovations. The new social settings due to a constantly changing world, marked by liquidity, as stated by Bauman (2001), are becoming increasingly prominent. This process has effects on the psychosocial structures of individuals, pressing the explanatory power of traditional theories and conceptual tools of social science.
Keywords Sociology, nanotechnology, Social Science, transhumanism
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Fonte: Liinc em Revista - Laboratório Interdisciplinar em Informação e Conhecimento