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quinta-feira, 20 de outubro de 2011

REACH Implementation Projects on Nanomaterials publishes final reports

Final reports have been published from two REACH Implementation Projects on Nanomaterials (RIP-oN 2&3).
Commissioned by the JRC's Institute for Health & Consumer Protection, the projects intended to develop specific advice on the implementation of REACH for nanomaterials. The outputs from the projects have been developed over a period of 12-16 months in consultation with a range of stakeholders. The reports have scoped the current state-of-the-science regarding assessment of nanomaterials in the context of REACH, and provide recommendations to the European Commission on how the REACH Guidance on Information Requirements and Chemical Safety Assessment could be further developed to better address nanomaterials.
The RIP-oN 2 project has addressed the REACH information requirements on intrinsic properties of nanomaterials, and the information needed for safety evaluation of nanomaterials.
The RIP-oN 3 project has addressed exposure assessments and hazard and risk characterisation for nanomaterials within the REACH context.
The projects were undertaken by a consortium led by SAFENANO at the Institute of Occupational Medicine and involving the European Chemical Industry Council (Cefic), the Nanotechnology Industries Association (NIA), and Soluzioni Informatiche, which brought together internationally renowned experts from disciplines including physical sciences, life sciences, occupational hygiene, and risk assessment.
The final reports can be downloaded from the DG Environment webpage.
If you have further questions regarding these reports, please contact Dr Rob Aitken - SAFENANO Director and Director of Strategic Consulting at IOM. Tel: +44 (0)131 449 8003
Under a separate process, a third report from the RIPoN activity relating to Substance Identity (Rip-oN 1) has also been published. This report is also available online, however, according to the Commission it was not possible to reach consensus amongst the experts on the recommendations, therefore further work of the Commission, in collaboration with CARACAL, is required before recommendations can be forwarded to ECHA.

Fonte: NanoWerk

a) Current status of substances and products regulations for nanotechnologies