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terça-feira, 13 de março de 2012

The Responsible Development of Nanotechnology: Challenges and Perspectives

Ne3LS Network International Conference 2012, Montreal,Canada

Save the date!

November 1-2, 2012
We are delighted to invite you to Montréal in November 2012 for the 1st International Conference of Ne3LS Network.

Charles-Anica EndoDr. Renaldo Battista
Charles-Anica Endo
Executive Director, Ne3LS Network
Renaldo Battisa
Scientific Director, Ne3LS Network
The Network on ethical, environmental, economic, legal and social issues regarding nanotechnology development (Ne3LS) is hosting an international conference to initiate thought-provoking discussion on the responsible development of nanotechnology. The Ne3LS Network International Conference 2012 will explore the following themes within an international and multidisciplinary framework:
  • How to assess the risks of nanotechnology, scientific, economic, social, or environmental
  • Governance: What are the responsibilities of researchers, industry, government, and the general public in the development of nanotechnologies? What is the contribution of industry to the development of standards and regulations?
  • Can responsible development of nanotechnology foster innovation and contribute to economic development?
  • What are the impacts of nanomedicine and nanohealth on the health care system?
  • How can the public be best informed and consulted on nanotechnology issues?
Invited speakers will address each of these topics.
In addition, the international conference hereby invites you to submit an abstract for presentation. For more details, please refer to section CALL FOR PAPERS.
Fonte: Ne3LS