With the anticipated growth of nanotechnologies, the risks of exposure to nanoparticles, already present in the workplace, will increase. Contamination through the skin has not been extensively studied and some people believe that it is underestimated.
A recent IRSST research project (Development of a method for measuring nanoparticle penetration through glove materials under conditions simulating workplace use) highlighted the fact that, in some cases, troubling concentrations of nanoparticles may pass through protective clothing, particularly laboratory gloves.
The research team aims to further develop a method for characterizing the protective efficiency of glove materials against nanoparticles under conditions simulating those in workplaces, to provide data on the impermeability of materials to certain nanoparticles, for preliminary recommendations on the choice of gloves protecting against risks of exposure.
This knowledge should provide a basis for creating materials offering increased resistance to nanoparticle penetration under typical conditions of workplace use.